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Proof That Bitcoin Virus Is Really Spreading: Satoshi Nakamo...
Bitcoin News, Cryptocurrency News

Proof That Bitcoin Virus Is Really Spreading: Satoshi Nakamoto’s Statue Is Being Installed in Kiev And Kranj

The pseudonymous founder of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto gets his statue erected in the virtual reality of a mobile app. In honor to him, a Ukrainian project group has made this virtual monument in Ukraine’s capital city Kiev for the purpose of creating a chain of virtual cities around such statues. Even Slovenia also honored Bitcoin during the starting of 2018 in its monument erected at Kranj.

The users can see the monument on their smartphones pointed at the empty pedestal in central Kiev. This is the place where previously a statue of the Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin used to attract the visitors’ eyeballs that was later flattened by the protestors in 2013.

The idea of creating such a virtual monument of the founder of Bitcoin belongs to the Satoshi Nakamoto project, which was previously declared in May this year. However, the inauguration took place in presence of huge multitude on September 29. During that peak hours, a colorful procession was made to pass through the streets of Kiev with the supporters and crypto enthusiasts waving the sky-blue banners of the republic. One of the most noticeable things during the procession was the followers holding the banners that read

We want pension in Bitcoin, Return the rate of $20,000 for one Bitcoin.

The idea of taking such a step is symbolizing two epochs, past and modern. According to Andriy Moroz, the co-founder of the Ukraine-based project group, the monument of Lenin was not only a symbol of the previous centuries, but it also left conflicting feelings in the heart of common people. Whereas, Moroz believes that the pseudonymous founder of Bitcoin and decentralization of society are parts of the present era and explore new opportunities, BTC Manager noted.

The app is now available on iOS Store and Google Play. Since the virtual monument is an augmented reality experiment, anyone can have a glimpse of it in 360 degrees and click a selfie. The statue has a Bitcoin symbol glued on its chest whereas the face of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine’s co-founder Vitalik Buterin is tattooed on the backside.

Here isn’t the end! The crypto aficionados will be happy to know that the second virtual statue devoted to the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto will be inaugurated on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles on November 3.

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