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Numex Exchange Announces Partnership Deal With Sindric
Bitcoin News

Numex Exchange Announces Partnership Deal With Sindric

Numex exchange is excited to announce a partnership with Sindric, a leading cryptoasset trading and analytics platform.

Sindric have an outstanding track-record and experience in the financial industry such as Fidelity, Citigroup & Merril Lynch

Sindric clients.

Using their expertise for insight Sindric can enable and improve quality, decrease costs and risk, maintain or improve platform, and make strategic, data-driven business decisions.

We asked Khalifa Saber, the CEO of Numex Exchange for comment:
“Building and growing the next great cryptocurrency exchange with access to the most capable team in the financial industry”

Alexis A. CTO of Numex Exchange also commented: “This partnership will not only augment our company’s digital offering, but will also serve our greater vision of transforming the future of the industry”

Vishal K. CEO of Sindric stated: “This partnership will surely help us enhance and enrich our business and also provide newer services.”

Numex Exchange.

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Bitcoin participant since 2014 - Online tech journalist

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