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Canadian Jeweller Birks Group Now Accept Bitcoin As Payment
Bitcoin News

Canadian Jeweller Birks Group Now Accept Bitcoin As Payment

As John McAfee would always say “the virus is spreading”, another Canadian firm that specializes in the sales of fine Jewelries just contracted this virus as they have now made it official that they would be accepting Bitcoin in exchange for their goods and services.

The company, Birks Group has been in existence for over 100 years now and still counting, having around 28 different Maison Birks and Brinkhaus stores. However, the acceptance of these digital currencies will be limited to only 8 selective branches in Canada and they include; Vancouver, West Hastings, Brinkhaus Calgary, Fairview Mall, Bloor, Yorkdale, Montreal and Calgary. Also in this announcement, they talked about the agent that will help them handle the transactions, that’s Bitpay.

Patek Phillippe and Graff stores will be next in line to accept digital currencies in Canada as they also declared their intention in this announcement. The executive chief officer of Birks Group, Jean-Christophe Bédos, said

As an internationally growing brand, we believe that Bitpay will benefit our customers as we look to align ourselves with these innovative capabilities that are on the forefront of technology.

While its chief commercial officer, Sonny Singh said

the fine jewelry operation has a large number of international shoppers so accepting borderless digital assets makes perfect sense.

Gradually, steady and slowly, the new tech is touching the lives of all and changing the ways things are done, even at the grassroots level. Just a matter of time and we shall see its impact.

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