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Bitcoin Adoption Continues To Grow: Great Lakes Science Cent...
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Bitcoin Adoption Continues To Grow: Great Lakes Science Centre Will Start Accepting Bitcoin As from Tomorrow

In this year alone, we have seen the adoption of Bitcoin grow on a fast lane. The latest of it is the one that’s about to happen in Cleveland. Great Lakes Science Centre, a museum located downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States just announced that they will be accepting Bitcoin in exchange for their services.

A local news agency, on the 9th of November, reported that Great Lakes Science Centre will soon join other few museum centres in accepting Bitcoin as a means of payment, starting from Tuesday,13th November.

Other museums that accepts cryptocurrencies in exchange for their services are: Museum of the Coastal Bend in Texas and St. Petersburg Museum of History in Florida, as revealed by website,

According to the local news agent, the move towards accepting Bitcoin was inspired by the forthcoming Blockland Solutions Conference this December. The event is slated to take place in four consecutive days, whose participation will be determined by the payment of a fee to be made in Bitcoin.

Kirsten Ellenbogen, the President and CEO of Great Lakes museum, when asked to say something about the new development, came up with the statement below:

There is a lot of excitement around the conference, Accepting bitcoin is just a small part of the momentum to grow a blockchain ecosystem in Cleveland. Last year we launched our mobile app that uses augmented and virtual reality to allow guests to experiment with flames in space and test spacecraft designs re-entering Earth’s atmosphere when they visit the NASA Glenn Visitor Center, and now they’ll be able to use their phone to pay for their admission using Bitcoin.

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