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Globee removes Bitcoin Cash from its merchant service
Bitcoin News

Globee removes Bitcoin Cash from its merchant service

BitcoinCash hardfork has come and gone. The network has successfully taken two different routes, BCHSV and BCHABC. The hashpower war can be said to have been settled as majority exchanges clearly stated that SV leads the entrance by daily volume and hashpower but CMC says the opposite.

Major Exchanges like Binance, HitBTC and Poloniex has already opened the market for the newly forked coins (ABC & SV) and at the same time removing the BCH ticker on their platform, likewise, payment agencies are beginning to remove BCH from their platform. GlobeeCom, a global payment agency with an estimated number of 2000 merchants under it, in a recent mail, sent to one of its client (@excellion on twitter) reveals that BCH will no longer be supported on their platform. The mail reads thus:

Hi Samson,

We would like to inform all of our merchants that we will no longer be supporting BitcoinCash. As per our previous email, BitcoinCash has recently gone through a hard fork. This left a lot of users dubious with regards to ongoing support for BitcoinCash. Due to the uncertain future of BitcoinCash, we have decided to remove it from our service suite.

We would like to thank you for your continuous support.

Feel free to chat our support engineers if you have any questions.

The Globee team

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