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The Winklevi are now Bitcoin billionaires
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The Winklevi are now Bitcoin billionaires

The Winklevoss twins, olympic rowers who successfully sued Mark Zuckerberg after claiming he stole their idea for Facebook, are now Bitcoin billionaires.

Tyler and Cameron Winklevosswon $65 million from the Facebook lawsuit, and invested $11 million of their payout into Bitcoin in 2013, amassing one of the largest portfolios of Bitcoin in the world — 1 percent of the entire currency’s dollar value equivalent, said the twins at the time. Their slice of the Bitcoin pie is now worth over $1 billion after Bitcoin surged past $10,000 last week to now trades at over $13,100. The cryptocurrency has surged over 11,000 percent since the Winklevoss’ investment, when one coin traded at around $120.

Tyler Winklevoss told CNNMoney in 2015:

“If Bitcoin is a better gold or seen as a type of gold-like asset, then it could be in the trillions on a market cap. We do feel those are very real possibilities.”

The twins have never sold a single Bitcoin, reports The Telegraph, noting that only a handful of Bitcoin wallets hold more than $1 billion worth of the cryptocurrency. One of those wallets belongs to the mysterious inventor, known only under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto.

On that note here is a link to the top 100 richest bitcoin addresses –


Cryptocurrency investor, researcher and writer

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