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Lead Devs of Viacoin And BTCC Join Numex Exchange As Advisor...
Bitcoin News, Cryptocurrency News

Lead Devs of Viacoin And BTCC Join Numex Exchange As Advisors

Numex is steadily shaping to be a force to be reckoned with. Few days after we reported that Numex underwent an upgrade due to traffic overload. Well things just got better for Numex as Numex CEO has confirmed to Coindaily that veteran trader and Lead dev for  Viacoin Romano and Bitcoin Core(BTCC) Dev Clashicly will be coming on board the Numex team as project advisors to help steer the project to success.


Numex CEO further confirmed that Co-owner of Coindaily Moneytrigz will be coming on board as well. Numex CEO said:

 The wealth of experience these advisors will bring can not be overemphasized. We are looking forward to achieving our goals for Numex as a team




In light of the recent announcement of the Numex Market Maker Seat program The CEO went into further details


 For the really big traders out there if you buy 15,000 Numex Coins you will have a ‘market maker seat’ on the Numex Exchange, just like NYSE exchange seats. Trade more then 5 Bitcoin per month then you qualify for 0% trading fees.

With 1.5 million Numex Coins cap and 15k stake means only 100 market makers can stake.

Owners of seats can lease their seats for steady income. Its an amazing feature


The Rush To Get Listed

An exchange listing is no doubt a very important and significant objective of  most Crypto projects for obvious reasons. Projects try not to miss out on opportunities that would see them get listed on a reputable exchange for free.

Numex has offered projects a chance at free listing with their ongoing voting contest which would see top 25 projects with most votes get listed for free. This is has ushered in an enormous FOMO with over 180 projects added by request and over 200,000 combined votes

All these could all be indicators of a potentially successful exchange in the making. Numex is certainly a name to note. You could be part of the success story by participating In their on going seed round. Visit


Editor-in-Chief @Coindaily_co and Bitcoin enthusiast

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